Art-n-Soul Retreat: Centering and Creativity

An artist and a yoga teacher walk into a bar…

“Red wine for me”, says the artist, “and a martini for my friend here.”  I’m tired, they both say with their eyes.

“My life needs more color”, says the teacher. “What do you think of covering ourselves in body paint and ecstatic dancing on a tropical beach?”

“I need more clarity”, says the artist. “What about a silent retreat in the mountains?”

With a clink of their glasses, their vision-child was born – equal parts creativity, freedom, serenity and celebration.

Life lived in the center of our creative and spiritual expressions is one of grace, depth and rejuvenation. Where beauty is what we make, what we see and what we feel.

What better way to nourish those parts of ourselves that are always on offer to the outside world than an Art-n-Soul Retreat?

Spend an evening, a full day, or a week with your intrepid guides, Marianne and Pascale, in the pursuit of finding center and splendor.

Feed your body with soulful movement and breathwork
Feed your mind through the creative expression of color, texture and words
Feed your soul through union with the artist within, communion with the spirit that enlivens you, and celebration of what is possible when art and soul unite.

Join us. You deserve it.


Full-day Centering and Creativity Retreat

The day…

  • Arrive at 10am to a fresh juice, centering exercise and yoga practice with Pascale.
  • Begin to bring your artistic project into light with an elegant introduction by Marianne.
  • Share a midday meal in community.
  • Usher in the afternoon in the art studio, with an abundance of encouragement and support.
  • End your day with an awareness practice to continue to nurture the artist within.
  • A champagne toast seals the journey with beauty (and bubbles!).

Your investment is just $79.

Upcoming date – Saturday October 19 in Chester, NJ

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