Author: Pascale

  • A Slick Protective Coating

    A Slick Protective Coating

      I have dreamed of being dunked in a huge vat of Teflon. Yes, I understand it’s gruesomely toxic, but still… Wouldn’t it be nice to be impervious? To be completely protected from any possible harm, accidental or not? To wipe yourself clean after any experience without any scars or marks left behind? Sometimes I…

  • The Inspiration Project

    What’s been brewing in your world? I’ve been feeling that expansiveness of a shift in seasons, that tickle that manifests as giddiness, distractibility and even resentment around responsibilities. I want to splash around in rain puddles (plentiful in both New Jersey and Seattle), plan a summer vacation and write sexy poems. Taxes, homework, and meetings…

  • Love in Spirit, Flesh and Cyberspace

    Love in Spirit, Flesh and Cyberspace

    I love you. That’s pretty much it. And not only because it’s Valentine’s Day. Just because… Love is the truth of who we are. One of the wisest messages I ever received is this: You don’t have to like everyone. That kind of emotion lies strictly in the human realm. Love is something entirely different.…

  • The Big Game

    The Big Game

    Please excuse this interruption to your regularly scheduled programming. (Don’t worry. Today’s post is short and sweet to get you back to your big screen and crunchy snacks.) A certain game might be front of mind for you today, but I’m talking about the REAL game… called LIFE. (Not the board game, either.) No balls,…

  • The Art of Change

    The Art of Change

    Does it hurt when a snake sheds its skin? Or when a caterpillar liquefies to transform into a butterfly? I wonder. Because my life has felt like a consistent shedding, liquefying and re-forming. Usually there is a marked improvement (ooooh – pretty wings!) but sometimes not (eeew – from vibrant green to muddy brown). The…

  • A Curious Case of Writer’s Block

    A Curious Case of Writer’s Block

    I’ve never had writer’s block. In fact, I categorized it with the many things I don’t believe in at all (e.g. Easter bunny, moon landing, terrible two’s, etc…). Two months ago I made a public declaration (as a requirement for the upcoming completion of my Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology) that I would (FINALLY!) complete…

  • Secret Ingredients

    Secret Ingredients

    I’m in the opening stretch of a very busy time, and only getting busier. I feel my body wanting to brace for impact, and it takes diligence to keep telling myself to lean in and soften. It’s so easy to spiral into the impossibility of it all – too many to-do’s for one person, three…

  • The Generosity of Sadness

    The Generosity of Sadness

    One of my favorite healers (and human beings) used the phrase ‘generosity of sadness’ in our last conversation. I thought it was so poetic and beautiful that I grabbed the closest notepad and wrote it down. I didn’t know what it meant. Perhaps I still don’t. But it felt like something in my mouth demanding…

  • Addiction to Suffering

    Addiction to Suffering

    There was a point in my spiritual journey where I found myself highly disturbed by the people around me. No, not the ‘regular’ people of everyday life… the angry driver, the ignorant telemarketer, the rude flight attendant. I was annoyed by the people in the various spiritual communities I had joined. I felt incredibly triggered,…

  • Naked and Unafraid

    Naked and Unafraid

    Just two days before a weeklong trip to Los Angeles, I learned that the housing I had arranged was no longer available. I then began a frenzied search to find a place to stay in one of the most popular tourist areas of California. I booked a room using an online rental service that I…