
I’ve been feeling crappy for a few years now.


Admittedly, my version of crappy is probably pretty good for the average person. But I don’t live an average life.


The noticeable dip in my energy, stamina, excitement, creativity and overall juiciness has been wreaking some havoc with my big and grand to-do’s.


After some unsuccessful tinkering, I decided to seek medical help. The first doctor wanted $20,000 to ‘fix’ me. I passed.


Most of the healing folks who sounded interesting to me were either not taking new patients or had waiting lists into the next century.


Some fiery combination of frustration and desperation unleashed my inner Sage-Warrior-Goddess, who said, in no uncertain terms, “Heal thyself, girl!!”


I listened. I took my lifetime of healthful habits and turned them upside down, looking for the culprit. I read and studied all the credible work around my symptoms. I put together a plan, approaching this mid-life reset like a scientist. A wee bit mad, perhaps.


It appears to be working.


The first few days of my drastic dietary change, I felt so awful I nearly took myself to the ER. Several times.


Some might ask, “Why go through such drastic measures when you basically feel good enough?”


Because good enough isn’t.


Some might say, “It’s perfectly normal, at your age, to experience these symptoms.”


Maybe, but I’m not interested in normal, either.


From my perspective, this is the only go-round I’m getting with these particulars– this body, this mind, the people around me, the time, the place…


I’m not wasting it on ‘good enough’. What am I looking for? Brilliance.


Brilliance like super-intelligence… sure. But mostly, brilliance like a jewel.


To hold and mold light.

To be unmistakably vibrant.

To collect, distill and transmit the most powerful teachings.

To illuminate everyone around me.

To be strong and solid, clear and light.

To sparkle.

With the vision in mind, and the path completely undefined, I began.


Before I made a single change, I asked…

  • What am I eating that may be causing trouble (even if I’ve been eating it for the past 40 years with no issue)?
  • What am I thinking that’s causing or adding to the distress (even if getting to the bottom of those thoughts feels like walking through the scariest haunted house EVER)?
  • What is my heart asking for, in a voice so soft I have to use all my focus to hear it?
  • What are all the signs (and yes, there are LOTS of signs) pointing to, that may have been hard for me to see?


Just this morning, the following woke me before the sun:

  • How can I be MORE compassionate, loving, patient and clear with myself and others?


At this point, the questions outnumber the answers. Perhaps that’s the way it will always be. The healing is happening, regardless. And perhaps that’s how it has always been.


Even if you’re not struggling with an issue right now (but, then again, who isn’t?) these questions can lead you on a journey of self-discovery that runs right into the gleaming gem of your life.


Change is hard. Mediocrity is harder.


I’d love to see you shine. Glimmer, gleam, glow, twinkle, radiate, blaze.


P.S. If you’d like a guide on the side, I’m here. PLEASE get in touch.


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