I Don’t Wanna!

“The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity.” ~ Stephen R. Covey from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People


Resistance is a bear, my friends. (Another B-word came to mind but I decided to keep it clean.)


One of my idols, Steven Pressfield, wrote a whole book about it (which I can’t recommend highly enough). If you want to go pick up a copy right now and read it instead of this post, I won’t mind.


And… we’re back.


You may have noticed it’s been quiet over at Bold Soul Coaching for a few weeks. Radio silent. I’ve written (and discarded) three lengthy articles that just felt… icky. I’ve begun countless posts, and berated myself for not honoring my commitment to post every week. I’ve felt like someone was building a huge brick wall between me and my responsibilities.


Ironic, since my last missive to you was about getting $#it done, even when mired in distraction. My personal distractions have been ranging from superb (my new love) to complex (book promotion and tour) to stinky (a house on the market that just won’t sell).


But life goes on, yes? There are parents, children, friends, a lover, clients, homes and businesses that require my fairly constant attention. There are deadlines, promises and obligations galore.


Next week I’ll be at a beautiful resort in Mexico, for a gig I booked a very long time ago. Sounds perfect, right? Except I don’t want to go. I’ll be missing my good friend’s 50th birthday, spending another week away from home and my loved ones, and likely unable to make any progress on the big projects I need to finish ASAP.


It feels ridiculous to complain about an opportunity that most people would consider a gift. But it doesn’t feel like a gift to me, because it’s no longer in line with my current desires, energy or goals. So I sit and stew and plot a way to slide out of a commitment that no longer serves me. I hear the voice of my friend, a gracious Southern gentleman, saying, “Suck it up, buttercup!”


This is not my first wrestling match with the I Don’t Wanna monster. We know each other quite well. The gruesome beast appears when my mind’s best-laid plans crash into my soul’s need for peace, space and rest. We recognize each other immediately, and glare.


Has I Don’t Wanna shown up recently in your life? In terms of social, family or career obligations? I’m guessing it has. We live in a world where there is always more to do (voluntarily or not) than time to do it. Being able to prioritize, and, more importantly, to say no (thank you) can be a critically important skill.


I know what it feels like – that gritty sense of resistance that leaves a pout on your lips and a furrow in your brow. And I can help you navigate through it.


I strongly believe everything is a choice. So I choose not to damage my reputation by breaking promises, or weasling out of obligations. I choose to honor what IS with grace. I choose to use any discomfort as the starting point to different decisions.


I can’t change the past, but the future is in my hands. And yours.


Help is here, if you’re done with feeling used and abused by your schedule, and unfulfilled by the long list of have-to’s. We’ve got big work to do – all of us! – and don’t need to be slain by the I Don’t Wanna monster.


There’s still time to make 2014 a smashing success. To go into 2015 feeling calmer, clearer and more at peace.


Click this link to let me know how I can help. Remember, the Lovemaking and Moneymaking private coaching special is still on. Get FIVE quick-start sessions for nearly half my current rate.


Now, I’m off to brush up on my Spanish. Adios, mi amigos.


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