Meditation Monday II – The Art of Change

For most of us, change is worrisome. It touches the parts of us that dislike uncertainty and crave consistency and comfort. Whether we are turning the calendars over to a new year, watching nature bring on a new season, or praying for the next sunrise, we are surrounded by the energy of change. There is a drive, both internal and external, to take advantage of this directed movement, to ride the wave and shift our lives. Resolutions abound.


But to what end? Do those promises of some other thing than the one we currently have feel natural, habitual or just plain obligatory? For me it is a mixture of all of these. In a change that I exert upon myself lies all the broken promises and unfulfilled agreements of the path. It holds the likelihood of failure and the discomfort of letting go of my comfortable status quo.


I crave right relationship with change. I yearn for the excitement of a youthful perspective, for seeing possibilities and opportunities nestled into every open space.


I know that to be alive is to change. It is the bold print on the agreement we took to be here, on the human plane, for our short ride.


On a physical level, every cell that makes up our bodies dies and is replaced on a daily basis. I find sense in the saying that you can never step into the same river twice.


I know each day, each moment, is singular – never having existed before and never to exist again, even when the dullness makes everything feel the same.


To take every moment, every sight, sound, sensation and interaction as new, which it is, affirms my life, my aliveness. It connects me to the seasons around me as well as the birth and death of beings and planets and galaxies. It forces me to stay awake, to stave of the sleepy haze of uncertainty, and trust that all is well.


The conscious mind, which functions by making patterns, by connecting pieces and creating sameness among the wide variety of our experiences, does not honor change easily. For that, we have to sink below, to the part of us that is the ground on which all change originates. The place in us that is formless, stateless and infinite. This place that we share with all there is.


To take me to that place, of wholeness and wellness and grace, I go to my greatest teacher – my breath – the continuous cycle of in and out, of give and take, of rise and fall. Each round of this life-giving process adapts to my body and my soul’s needs. It reminds me of how I am connected to everything around me, which is true not only on a physical, cellular level, but also as a manifestation of the energy that is our purest and simplest ingredient.


The breath speaks to the space of our spirit and the rhythm of our humanity. It connects, it reveals and it enlivens. And here is where we can begin.






Change, at its purest.


And here’s the audio of the guided meditation experience. Cause it’s hard to read when your eyes are closed.



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