Tag: coaching

  • The Price

    The Price

    I’ve been creating a series of novels with a recurring theme: the price of the life we desire. (You can get yourself a chapter right here.) They explore relationships, career choices, and feeling right in your own skin. It’s a theme that has woven through nearly every choice I’ve made in my adult life.   [In…

  • I Don’t Wanna!

    I Don’t Wanna!

    “The commitments we make to ourselves and to others, and our integrity to those commitments, is the essence and clearest manifestation of our proactivity.” ~ Stephen R. Covey from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People   Resistance is a bear, my friends. (Another B-word came to mind but I decided to keep it clean.)   One…

  • Lovemaking and Moneymaking

    Lovemaking and Moneymaking

    First of all, this is not a post about prostitution. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way… I’m in the most wonderful honeymoon period of a new love relationship. It has been downright distracting, to say the least. Instead of doing my work, running my business or taking care of my house, I…

  • What is Spiritual Coaching?

    What is Spiritual Coaching?

    I am often asked if I am a life coach. The answer is no. And kind of yes.   Although life coaching is currently used to describe an incredibly wide variety of activities, it primarily deals with actions and events. Things like clearing away clutter, creating a sustainable budget, or learning time management skills.   Spiritual coaching…

  • Time to Get to Work

    Time to Get to Work

    The most challenging part about what I do is describing it. I can wax philosophical for minutes at a time about the spiritual nature of reality, the adventurous journey of remembering who we are, and the practice of contentment. This typically results in glazed eyes, and an occasional remark – “You get paid for that??”…