Tag: expression

  • Excuse Me, This is My Seat

    Excuse Me, This is My Seat

    Excuse me, this is my seat. How do I know? I just do. Just like I know this is my hand, and this is my child, and this is my life. I worked really hard for that seat. I didn’t always succeed, but that’s why it’s that seat. It’s not for the perfectly perfect. There…

  • Art (And Life) At Arm’s Length

    Art (And Life) At Arm’s Length

    I’m currently reading (or listening to, more precisely) The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp. I began the book while on a plane (of course), completely exhausted (uh-huh), so I kept nodding off. Falling into neck bending, drool-producing slumber.   Not that I don’t adore Twyla Tharp. I do. She’s been my favorite choreographer since I…

  • Where Expression and Compassion Meet

    Where Expression and Compassion Meet

    There’s a lot of talk in the self-development word about authenticity. It seems to be the buzzword that everyone’s after.   Complete self-expression is my version of authenticity, and has been the theme of my adult life. It was a response to my silence as a young person, deathly afraid of speaking for my first…

  • Thailand Tales II – Befriending the Dragon (or Better Out Than In)

    Thailand Tales II – Befriending the Dragon (or Better Out Than In)

    We are healed of a suffering only by expressing it to the fullest. 
~Marcel Proust   It wasn’t long after my daughter was born that one of her superpowers was revealed. Her body had the uncanny ability to reject (sometimes violently) what it did not want.   This resulted in an enormous number of outfit…

  • Bringing the Inside Out

    Bringing the Inside Out

    Characters have been battling it out for airtime in my brain and through my fingers. The follow-up to my novel, which is half-written, is pulling me like a buggy behind a pack of horses. From nowhere (actually from a sexy dream ;)), came a whole new set of characters, in their own story. (A mystery…

  • The Moment is NOW

    The Moment is NOW

    For the past several weeks, I’ve been consumed by two major projects – my recently published novel and my upcoming course. It’s what’s on my mind, and therefore, it’s what makes it onto the page. I recently learned about my beloved Godmother’s serious health scare. It diverted my attention, and my activities, but when I returned to what…

  • Hey Sexy…

    Hey Sexy…

    I made something for you. It’s an erotic novel where the spiritual and the sexy spend some time snuggling together. I made it because I’m tired of grown women’s compartmentalization into wife OR mother OR business professional, but never sexual being. If you’re ready to be inspired and titillated, this is for YOU. The details,…

  • The Answer to ‘Why Me?’

    The Answer to ‘Why Me?’

    I belong to many online writer’s groups, but hardly participate in most of them. I decided to do some culling. To streamline (again) what’s coming into my inbox every day and remove myself from the information streams in which the material doesn’t add to my life. I went on one of the sites in question,…

  • I Am…

    I Am…

    I am… I am crazy, funny I wonder about the future I hear the whispers in the winds I see the mermaids tail swooshing in the water I want to be happy I am crazy, funny   I pretend to be a wizard I feel the unicorn’s horn brush my back I touch my dreams…

  • Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want.

    Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want.

    What do you want?? You. Yes, you. Why am I asking? I believe that the world is a better place when what we love to do finds a home with the people who need it most. My Universe is certainly more magically delicious when my calling intersects with your desires. Feed Your Soul was born…