The Ones We Choose

I love pondering the divine play between physical and spiritual worlds. I often savor these thoughts like a slow-melting piece of fine chocolate.


One of my favorites concerns reincarnation. (I’m guessing you’re rolling your eyes and mouthing, ‘Of course it does…’)


It is believed that souls travel together in packs, like wolves or teenage girls. Between incarnations, while hanging around in infinite non-time, non-space Nirvana, they set up a plan for the next go-round.


I picture it like a big casting call at a community theater, each spirit deciding which part they get to play.


“Why don’t you be the mother this time?”

“Wait, I want to be the mother!”

“Ok, fine. Then I’ll have to be the wife.”

“Great! And I get to be the son.”


As fun and fanciful as that scene was to me the first time I imagined it, was the stark realization of what that meant in my own life. I chose my family. Gulp.


Some parts are easy. I am constantly thanking my daughter for choosing me. And I mean it. It is truly the gift of a lifetime. (Especially considering she doesn’t think that’s weird at all. OK, well, maybe a little.)


It is as clear to me as my right hand that my best friend and I are soul mates. It’s even clear where my ex-husband fits in.


But my family of origin? That’s a tough one.


The truth of that belief – that I chose them – is unshakable. There are no coincidents. The proof? There has been no place richer with lessons than my dealings with my immediate family. Can you relate?


To accept that I chose my family opens the door to the realization that all those people whose presence in my life feels a bit like sandpaper… well… I chose them too.


That changes the situation quite dramatically, I believe.

  • That woman who just flipped me off on the highway? I chose her.
  • The lover who betrayed me? I chose him.
  • The plumber who ripped me off? Chose him too.


The world moves from being a sea of strangers (and sometimes malevolent ones) to a handpicked assortment of blessing-bringers. Everywhere I look I see other souls I selected to love me, hurt me, heal me and help me grow (sometimes all in the same person).


“When you change the way you look at the world, the world changes,” as Wayne dyer says.


What would change in your life if you believed this was true? If you knew that everyone around you was meant to be there, for your greatest good?


Many of us spend huge amounts of time attempting to surround ourselves with people who make us feel good, and eliminating people who don’t. This, in my experience, has been altogether futile.


Why not embrace whom we’ve brought along on this particular journey? Doesn’t that just plain feel better? It does to me.


I offer you, the global YOU, my Universe of soul-buddies, my deepest thanks.


To you, whose love feels like a warm embrace

To you, who teaches me how to dance with fire

To you, whose toughness made me soft

To you, whose softness made me strong

To you, who teaches me what grace and strength look like

To my family… genetic, soul and otherwise


I choose you.

Thank you for choosing me.


May the end of 2014 bring peace, love and joy more deeply into your life. Unless of course, your soul-circle chose rockin’, rollin’, crazy delight.


With the deepest love and gratitude,



P.S. I am just about to take another spin around the globe, this time for purely personal reasons. My beloved is taking me to his homeland, to meet the parents and celebrate the holidays.

I reflect on what a gift he has been in my life, and how my circle of souls is about to get just a little bit bigger. I welcome them in.

P.S.S. I am finishing up my work for the year, and taking some time for rest, reflection and revelry. It was amazing, guiding so many bold souls in making 2014 the year they wanted it to be.

Do you feel the call? Isn’t it time to invite more grace and ease in your life? I can help. Now’s the time to start assembling the ingredients for a delicious 2015. Let’s talk. Soon.


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