The Pursuit of Unhappiness*

*No, that’s not a typo.

Who would ever pursue UNhappiness??


You would.

I would.

Everyone we’ve ever known would.


Perhaps that doesn’t make a stitch of sense. You’re right.

Happiness has a whole lot of caché. It’s the hot thing, the hip thing, the new black. Even His Holiness The Dalai Lama says happiness is where it’s at. (I paraphrase.)

Here is a highly incomplete list of how we pursue unhappiness:



Pining for another person’s love/respect/approval



And my very favorite… worry.

Worry is choosing unhappy over happy. And it’s a poor stand-in for creation.

I think about worry a lot. (That sounds weird.)

I am constantly discovering and inventing new ways for my clients to shed that pesky habit once and for all. Nearly everyone begins incredulous that worry is optional. In this world, where so many bad things happen, or can happen, how can we not worry?

Easy. Or at least simple.

It’s nearly impossible to be taking action and worrying at the same time. So the universal antidote to hopping on the worry train is to do something.

Even doing the wrong thing keeps us in motion, as opposed to the paralysis of worry. When we are in motion, and making evaluations at each step, it is much more difficult to extrapolate to some worst-case scenario (the best breeding ground for the worry virus).

Taking steps, no matter how small, says to the Universe, “Hey!! Send some guidance.”

Personally, it feels like the Muse and the Fairy Guides (totally woo woo, I know) only pay attention to me when there’s something going on. When all the activity is merely happening in my head (stewing, brewing, stressing and fretting), no one comes to help.


When we focus on our best next step, while keeping the desired goal in mind,

there is no more room for worry.


I don’t want to make this simplistic, or neglect to take into account that most of us have really big stuff going on. Our lives are filled with uncertainty, complexity, and challenges. We can almost never foretell the future. To a greater or lesser extent, we are powerless over the events of our lives.

But we are not powerless over what truly rules us: our thoughts.

Courageously navigating through whatever lies on the road before us gives us a nonstick coating that prevents worry from sticking or staining.

Small steps, taken consistently over time, can be more than enough to accomplish big shifts in mindset and results. It is the humane way, AND the sustainable way, to create lasting positive change in your life.

To help you strengthen your immunity from worry, I’ve created a guided journey launching June 1st called:

COURSE-CORRECTING: 30 Days to a Better Destination 

It’s about tackling something big – a belief, a habit, a relationship, a project – by taking small, steady steps and course-correcting as you go.

Improve your clarity, confidence and overall contentment by putting yourself directly in the flow of life. No more feeling paralyzed, powerless, and unable to change direction. The only things between you and what your desire are a collection of consistent steps and a series of course corrections.

Complete information (as well as a video invitation from you-know-who) is just a few days away. Can’t wait until then? Just reply to and I’ll make sure you get on the early-bird list.

I can’t wait to see you there.


P.S. Do you think that strange move where you stick your finger in your mouth and then wave it around really predicts the wind direction?


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