The Ride

Do you know anyone in full tilt struggle? I do.


At any given point of my life, there have been a few people around me having a particularly hard time, caught in the downward slope of their own personal roller coaster ride, wondering if the descent will ever end, and if it does, will there be a catastrophic crash. Sometimes I’m the one in the turbo plunge.


In this moment, it’s not me (whew!) and the perspective I’ve been offered by standing on solid ground and watching the entirety of the vaults and spirals is priceless. If only I could have that same objectivity when it’s my body being hurled around in space.


From the ground looking up at someone else’s ride, I can see how easy it is to get caught in whatever direction your car is taking you, thinking that either the climb upward or the dramatic descents will last forever. To go into resistance about what just happened, with an inability to process and release, or anxiety about what’s going to happen.


To you, whose ride is currently causing you stress and turmoil, I want to whisper in your ear – ‘Whatever is going on now is temporary. Don’t get attached to any part of it, for it will inevitably change. Your only job is to let your body fill into the space offered by the experience, for it is unique and worthwhile, and almost certainly carries with it a blessing and a lesson.’


For the rider who is ready, and not many are, I would offer that, in fact, it is all an illusion anyway, a ride we have constructed for the ego mind’s amusement. The only reason it feels like you are on a wild ride is because it’s more thrilling that way. The quiet subtle realms hold the gems of our being, but the slightly enhanced versions, full of twists and turns, keep everything exciting. The truth of who you are is also here, on the ground with me, watching the ups and downs, knowing exactly what’s going to happen next without needing to prepare for any of it. Just being able to enjoy the ride, brief as it inevitably turns out to be.


You are more than capable of dealing with whatever life is bringing you. The life events that feel especially hard are the ones in which you expand to fill your own greatness and grandness. The ones that feel soft and easy are your recovery breaths, during which you remember all there is to be grateful for.


Whether you are tumbling down, faster and harder than you would like, or whether you are rising, taking in the beautiful view and feeling a tickle of excitement, just remember where you really are. AND at the same time, enjoy the ride. It really is oh so short.


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