Why Crappy Stuff Happens

One might imagine that while climbing the enlightenment ladder things get easier – life circumstances shift, bringing rainbow unicorns to our doorsteps to carry us off into the sunset.

Gosh, how I wish that were true. But it directly conflicts with the whole point of this wild ride we call life.

Here’s how it rolls out, in my perspective:

Our inner lives actually run the show. Our beliefs, perspectives and create the emotions and actions that define what our lives look like. Most of the time, this inner aspect is invisible to us. Which makes it really difficult to deal with. It’s like trying to trap a boogey-man that you can’t see or hear, and likely don’t even know is right next to you.

The Universe, in her infinite wisdom and sassy sense of humor, has given us a nearly foolproof way to bring what’s on the inside to the outside. It can materialize the monsters under the bed so that we know what we’re dealing with.

I call it… crappy stuff. (Technical term.)

You see, that anger (or sadness, or jealousy…) that you believe is part of your genetic makeup was placed there at some point, likely so long ago that the initiating event is no longer in your current easy-access memory banks. (The gremlin has gone imperceptible.)

In order for you to have any chance of resolution and healing, the Universe moves that inner, inaccessible pain point into the material, sensory world.

Which means that anger no longer lives solely inside your head (and body). It is now represented in a steady stream of anger-inducing people and situations. This is the reason for constantly choosing the same romantic partners, bosses and the entirety of your biological family.

Each of those people, relationships and situations is an opportunity to become the observer of the issue that is causing your disturbance so that you can do what is needed to vaporize it. From the outer world, you have easier access to…

  • Seeing (Wow, I’m angry again.),
  • Owning (This is MY issue. There is no one to blame.),
  • Softening (This behavior is about my being hurt, and then trying to protect myself from further hurt.), and
  • Release (I appreciate and honor the past and current events as the teachers they are, and let go of the inner judgments and conflict causing my disturbance.)

Instead of seeing the ‘crappy stuff’ as a series of foils, upsets and failures, we can now see it as a soul hologram – in which we are gifted with the ability to see (in 3-D) what was previously intangible and amorphous.

I don’t know about you, but I think that is waaaay cool.

Bonus: It frosts the events of your life with a benevolent coating.

So… what’s trying to make its way out of you right now? Can you acknowledge that it’s being projected on the people and circumstances around you?

Isn’t it time to let the boogey-man out of the closet? (Perhaps leaving some extra room for colorful spring shoes. Just saying…)

Here’s to seeing what needs to be seen,
